Contribution in ngos

Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a term that has become widely accepted for referring to a legally constituted, non-governmental organization created by natural or legal persons with no participation or representation of any government. In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, NGO maintains its non-governmental status therefore it excludes government representatives from membership in the organization. Unlike the term intergovernmental organization, "non-governmental organization" is a term in generalized use but not a legal definition, in many jurisdictions these types of organizations are defined as "civil society organizations" or alternative terms. They are committed to social justice, sustainable development and human rights. The right to communicate freely is a basic human right and a necessity for sustainable development. Access to information is essential to informed decision-making at all levels.

They are also committed to the dissemination of information and promotion of sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of under represented and marginalized sectors of society. For bridging the data gap and improving information availability they are committed to develop and establish an ideal medium for the Participation and exchange of a trusted and accurate source of quality information. Non-Government organizations play a vital role in the educational growth in the state. NGO’s not only help in spreading the importance of education but also other social awareness.